If you came here looking for the XXX video of Jessica Shears sucking off Rogan O'Connor like a lollipop, look no further. The leaked tape was originally released on Pornhub, and though it has since been removed from the site, we have the full video below (keep scrolling!)
If you've never heard the names Jessica Shears or Rogan O'Connor before, allow us to give you a quick run down on the British reality stars. Both Shears and O'Connor were introduced to the world as contestants on two separate dating shows – Jessica on the 2017 season of Love Island, and Rogan on Ex on the Beach back in 2015.
Jessica, a curvy brunette model who is also a wannabe wrestler, attracted heaps of viewers after being the first contestant to have sex with a dude named Dom on the show that season. She wound up getting booted in a later episode, but has managed to stay in the limelight thanks to her massive social media following and – as of recently – her willingness to get nasty on camera.
Now to our man Rogan. The 27 year old was born in England and joined the cast of Ex on the Beach in search for love. We're not sure why he had to go so out of his way to find romance, because quite frankly his striking good looks and sexy British accent could make just about anyone weak at the knees. In fact, they made Jessica Shears' knees so weak that she dropped to the floor and sucked his dick!
Rogan claims that he had no idea how the tape was leaked, and a source close to him says that he never dreamt that a personal moment shared between him and Jessica would end up online for the whole world to see. But unfortunately for Rogan, it's too late to do anything about it now. The tape is out, and you can see it here!
The Proof
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